Teaching Values

Teaching Values through PSHE and Citizenship by John Foster ( Brilliant Publications) www.brilliantpublications.co.uk

ISBN 978 1783 172030 e-book 978 1783 172054

Teaching Values Through PSHE and Citizenship provides teachers of years 5-8 with activities that will enable them to, fulfil the requirement to promote the spiritual., moral, social and cultural development of children aged 9-13. It presents activities which promote the fundamental values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

The book is divided into three sections. The first section Beliefs, Values and Behaviour focuses on what attitudes and values the children believe should determine behaviour towards others, on the qualities they admire in other people, on what they consider to be good manners and on what they take into consideration when making important decisions.

The second section Rules and Responsibilities focuses on the rules that govern people’s lives and the responsibilities they have as family members, as neighbours, at school and as citizens. It includes activities that encourage children to discuss what sort of country they want to live in, what they consider the government’s priorities should be, why we have laws and attitudes to crime and to the police force.

The third section Respecting people’s rights looks at human rights, exploring issues of stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, sexism and racism. There are also activities on respecting other people’s religions and cultures and on global concerns.